Results for 'Georgina Cate Foli'

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  1.  28
    (1 other version)Georgina Tuari Stewart on Decolonizing and Indigenizing Education in Canada.Georgina Tuari Stewart - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (4):434-436.
  2.  56
    What is ‘moral distress’? A narrative synthesis of the literature.Georgina Morley, Jonathan Ives, Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Fiona Irvine - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):646-662.
    Aims: The aim of this narrative synthesis was to explore the necessary and sufficient conditions required to define moral distress. Background: Moral distress is said to occur when one has made a moral judgement but is unable to act upon it. However, problems with this narrow conception have led to multiple redefinitions in the empirical and conceptual literature. As a consequence, much of the research exploring moral distress has lacked conceptual clarity, complicating attempts to study the phenomenon. Design: Systematic literature (...)
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    Covid‐19: Ethical Challenges for Nurses.Georgina Morley, Christine Grady, Joan McCarthy & Connie M. Ulrich - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):35-39.
    The Covid‐19 pandemic has highlighted many of the difficult ethical issues that health care professionals confront in caring for patients and families. The decisions such workers face on the front lines are fraught with uncertainty for all stakeholders. Our focus is on the implications for nurses, who are the largest global health care workforce but whose perspectives are not always fully considered. This essay discusses three overarching ethical issues that create a myriad of concerns and will likely affect nurses globally (...)
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    Reflective Debriefs as a Response to Moral Distress: Two Case Study Examples.Georgina Morley & Cristie Cole Horsburgh - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (1):1-20.
    Within this paper, we discuss Moral Distress Reflective Debriefs as a promising approach to address and mitigate moral distress experienced by healthcare professionals. We briefly review the empirical and theoretical literature on critical incident stress debriefing and psychological debriefing to highlight the potential benefits of this modality. We then describe the approach that we take to facilitating reflective group discussions in response to morally distressing patient cases (“Moral Distress Reflective Debriefs”). We discuss how the debriefing literature and other clinical ethics (...)
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  5. Choosing to Feel. Virtue, Friendship, and Compassion for Friends.Diana Fritz Cates, Pamela M. Hall, G. Simon Harak, James F. Keenan, Daniel Mark Nelson & Paul J. Waddell - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (1):189-215.
    We are currently seeing a revival of interest in Aquinas's moral thought among Christian ethicists, both Protestant and Catholic. Although recent studies of his moral thought have touched on a number of topics, the majority of these have focused on his account of the virtues and their place in the Christian life. Probing the questions of the relation of virtue and law, the role of reason and will, and the place of the passions in Aquinas's moral theology, I will examine (...)
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    What is ‘moral distress’ in nursing? A feminist empirical bioethics study.Georgina Morley, Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Jonathan Ives - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1297-1314.
    Background The phenomenon of ‘moral distress’ has continued to be a popular topic for nursing research. However, much of the scholarship has lacked conceptual clarity, and there is debate about what it means to experience moral distress. Moral distress remains an obscure concept to many clinical nurses, especially those outside of North America, and there is a lack of empirical research regarding its impact on nurses in the United Kingdom and its relevance to clinical practice. Research aim To explore the (...)
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    Reasons to Redefine Moral Distress: A Feminist Empirical Bioethics Analysis.Georgina Morley, Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Jonathan Ives - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (1):61-71.
    There has been increasing debate in recent years about the conceptualization of moral distress. Broadly speaking, two groups of scholars have emerged: those who agree with Jameton’s ‘narrow definition’ that focuses on constraint and those who argue that Jameton’s definition is insufficient and needs to be broadened. Using feminist empirical bioethics, we interviewed critical care nurses in the United Kingdom about their experiences and conceptualizations of moral distress. We provide our broader definition of moral distress and examples of data that (...)
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    Sub-categories of moral distress among nurses: A descriptive longitudinal study.Georgina Morley, James F. Bena, Shannon L. Morrison & Nancy M. Albert - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (6):885-903.
    Background There is ongoing debate regarding how moral distress should be defined. Some scholars argue that the standard “narrow” definition overlooks morally relevant causes of distress, while others argue that broadening the definition of moral distress risks making measurement impractical. However, without measurement, the true extent of moral distress remains unknown. Research aims To explore the frequency and intensity of five sub-categorizations of moral distress, resources used, intention to leave, and turnover of nurses using a new survey instrument. Research design (...)
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    Mitigating Moral Distress through Ethics Consultation.Georgina Morley, Lauren R. Sankary & Cristie Cole Horsburgh - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):61-63.
    While the phenomenon of ‘moral distress’ has been of interest to the nursing community since Jameton first described it in 1984, moral distress is now understood to effect healthcare professionals...
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    Moral Distress and Austerity: An Avoidable Ethical Challenge in Healthcare.Georgina Morley, Jonathan Ives & Caroline Bradbury-Jones - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (3):185-201.
    Austerity, by its very nature, imposes constraints by limiting the options for action available to us because certain courses of action are too costly or insufficiently cost effective. In the context of healthcare, the constraints imposed by austerity come in various forms; ranging from the availability of certain treatments being reduced or withdrawn completely, to reductions in staffing that mean healthcare professionals must ration the time they make available to each patient. As austerity has taken hold, across the United Kingdom (...)
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    Interpolation for extended modal languages.Balder ten Cate - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):223-234.
    Several extensions of the basic modal language are characterized in terms of interpolation. Our main results are of the following form: Language ℒ' is the least expressive extension of ℒ with interpolation. For instance, let ℳ be the extension of the basic modal language with a difference operator [7]. First-order logic is the least expressive extension of ℳ with interpolation. These characterizations are subsequently used to derive new results about hybrid logic, relation algebra and the guarded fragment.
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  12.  29
    Modal languages for topology: Expressivity and definability.Balder ten Cate, David Gabelaia & Dmitry Sustretov - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (1-2):146-170.
    In this paper we study the expressive power and definability for modal languages interpreted on topological spaces. We provide topological analogues of the van Benthem characterization theorem and the Goldblatt–Thomason definability theorem in terms of the well-established first-order topological language.
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  13. Expressivity of second order propositional modal logic.Balder ten Cate - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (2):209-223.
    We consider second-order propositional modal logic (SOPML), an extension of the basic modal language with propositional quantifiers introduced by Kit Fine in 1970. We determine the precise expressive power of SOPML by giving analogues of the Van Benthem–Rosen theorem and the Goldblatt Thomason theorem. Furthermore, we show that the basic modal language is the bisimulation invariant fragment of SOPML, and we characterize the bounded fragment of first-order logic as being the intersection of first-order logic and SOPML.
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  14.  23
    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.B. ten Cate - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
  15.  30
    Re‐examining the relationship between moral distress and moral agency in nursing.Georgina Morley & Lauren R. Sankary - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12419.
    In recent years, the phenomenon of moral distress has been critically examined—and for a good reason. There have been a number of different definitions suggested, some that claimed to be consistent with the original definition but in fact referred to different epistemological states. In this paper, we re‐examine moral distress by exploring its relationship with moral agency. We critically examine three conceptions of moral agency and argue that two of these conceptions risk placing nurses' values at the center of moral (...)
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    Creating Space for Feminist Ethics in Medical School.Georgina D. Campelia & Ashley Feinsinger - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (2):111-124.
    Alongside clinical practice, medical schools now confront mounting reasons to examine nontraditional approaches to ethics. Increasing awareness of systems of oppression and their effects on the experiences of trainees, patients, professionals, and generally on medical care, is pushing medical curriculum into an unfamiliar territory. While there is room throughout medical school to take up these concerns, ethics curricula are well-positioned to explore new pedagogical approaches. Feminist ethics has long addressed systems of oppression and broader structures of power. Some of its (...)
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  17.  32
    Relational suffering and the moral authority of love and care.Georgina D. Campelia, Jennifer C. Kett & Aaron Wightman - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (4):165-178.
    Suffering is a ubiquitous yet elusive concept in health care. In a field devoted to the pursuit of objective data, suffering is a phenomenon with deep ties to subjective experience, moral values, and cultural norms. Suffering’s tie to subjective experience makes it challenging to discern and respond to the suffering of others. In particular, the question of whether a child with profound neurocognitive disabilities can suffer has generated a robust discourse, rooted in philosophical conceptualizations of personhood as well as the (...)
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    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.Balder Cate, Maarten Marx & Petrúcio Viana - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
    We show that every extension of the basic hybrid logic with modal Sahlqvist axioms is complete. As a corollary of our approach, we also obtain the Beth property for a large class of hybrid logics. Finally, we show that the new completeness result cannot be combined with the existing general completeness result for pure axioms.
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  19.  28
    Operationalizing the role of the nurse ethicist: More than a job.Georgina Morley, Ellen M. Robinson & Lucia D. Wocial - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (5):688-700.
    The idea of a role in nursing that includes expertise in ethics has been around for more than 30 years. Whether or not one subscribes to the idea that nursing ethics is separate and distinct from bioethics, nursing practice has much to contribute to the ethical practice of healthcare, and with the strong grounding in ethics and aspiration for social justice considerations in nursing, there is no wonder that the specific role of the nurse ethicist has emerged. Nurse ethicists, expert (...)
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  20.  16
    Defending science from what?Georgina Tuari Stewart - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (6):509-512.
  21.  37
    Moral Distress and Justifiable Constraints on Moral Agency.Georgina Morley & Lauren R. Sankary - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (4):77-79.
    While Jameton’s (1984) definition of moral distress has been embraced by researchers and scholars for recognizing the many constraints that nurses experience on their moral agency, it has also been...
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    The Ethics Resource Caregiver Program: Equipping Nurses as Ethics Champions.Georgina Morley, Sabahat Hizlan, Elliot Davidson, Julia Gorecki, Gillian Myers & Hilary Mabel - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (1):27-39.
    Background: Nurses face ethical issues and experience moral distress in their everyday work. A nursing ethics champion program was developed at a hospital in the United States. Methods: As part of a quality improvement project, pre- and post-training surveys were developed to assess whether the program was feasible and sustainable, enhanced nurse confidence in recognizing and addressing ethical issues and moral distress, and increased nurse knowledge of institutional resources for addressing the same. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed. Results: Thirteen (...)
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  23.  12
    Expressivity of Second Order Propositional Modal Logic.Balder Cate - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (2):209-223.
    We consider second-order propositional modal logic (SOPML), an extension of the basic modal language with propositional quantifiers introduced by Kit Fine in 1970. We determine the precise expressive power of SOPML by giving analogues of the Van Benthem–Rosen theorem and the Goldblatt Thomason theorem. Furthermore, we show that the basic modal language is the bisimulation invariant fragment of SOPML, and we characterize the bounded fragment of first-order logic as being the intersection of first-order logic and SOPML.
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    Reproduction misconceived: why there is no right to reproduce and the implications for ART access.Georgina Antonia Hall - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):778-785.
    Reproduction is broadly recognised as fundamental to human flourishing. The presumptive priority of reproductive freedom forms the predominant position in the literature, translating in the non-sexual reproductive realm as an almost inviolable right to access assisted reproductive technology (ART). This position largely condemns refusal or restriction of ART by clinicians or the state as discriminatory. In this paper, I critically analyse the moral rights individuals assert in reproductive pursuit to explore whether reproductive rights entitle hopeful parents to ART. I demonstrate (...)
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  25.  12
    A little bit pregnant: towards a pluralist account of non-sexual reproduction.Georgina Antonia Hall - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Fertility clinicians participate in non-sexual reproductive projects by providing assisted reproductive technology (ART) to those hoping to reproduce, in support of their reproductive goals. In most countries where ART is available, the state regulates ART as a form of medical treatment. The predominant position in the reproductive rights literature frames the clinician’s role as medical technician, and the state as a third party with limited rights to interfere. These roles broadly align with established functions of clinician and state in Western (...)
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  26.  31
    Deconstructing Structural Injustices in the Clinic, Classroom, and Boardroom.Georgina Morley, Timothy E. Brown, Lauren R. Sankary & Sundus H. Riaz - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (3):29-32.
    Russell articulates compelling reasons that bioethicists and health care professionals should take individual responsibility for deconstructing structural injustices in healthcare through in...
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    From both sides of the indigenous-settler hyphen in Aotearoa New Zealand.Georgina Stewart - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (8):767-775.
    Iho/abstractThe idea of the ‘intercultural hyphen’ is likened to a gap or bridge between ethnic groups, created from the ongoing intertwining of sociopolitical and intellectual histories. This ‘gap or bridge’ wording captures the paradoxical nature of the intercultural space, for which the ‘hyphen’ is a shorthand symbol or sign. There are options on either side to engage or disengage across the intercultural space represented by the hyphen—but how, and with what results? In Aotearoa New Zealand, tensions invoked by the indigenous-settler (...)
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    Academic-Māori-Woman: The impossible may take a little longer.Georgina Tuari Stewart - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (9):990-993.
    This year’s Waitangi Day, 6 February 2021, saw the revival of a favourite zombie in New Zealand politics when Judith Collins, the leader of the Opposition, complained about not getting a chance to...
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    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.ten Cate Balder, Marx Maarten & Viana Petrúcio - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
  30.  31
    Are AI systems biased against the poor? A machine learning analysis using Word2Vec and GloVe embeddings.Georgina Curto, Mario Fernando Jojoa Acosta, Flavio Comim & Begoña Garcia-Zapirain - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-16.
    Among the myriad of technical approaches and abstract guidelines proposed to the topic of AI bias, there has been an urgent call to translate the principle of fairness into the operational AI reality with the involvement of social sciences specialists to analyse the context of specific types of bias, since there is not a generalizable solution. This article offers an interdisciplinary contribution to the topic of AI and societal bias, in particular against the poor, providing a conceptual framework of the (...)
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    Public Perceptions and Expectations of the Forensic Use of DNA: Results of a Preliminary Study.Cate Curtis - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (4):313-324.
    The forensic use of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is demonstrating significant success as a crime-solving tool. However, numerous concerns have been raised regarding the potential for DNA use to contravene cultural, ethical, and legal codes. In this article the expectations and level of knowledge of the New Zealand public of the DNA data-bank and the surrounding processes are discussed. A questionnaire was developed in consultation with key stakeholders, comprising a combination of open and closed questions. The ensuing survey comprised a sample (...)
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    Reconceiving Reproduction: Removing “Rearing” From the Definition—and What This Means for ART.Georgina Antonia Hall - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):117-129.
    The predominant position in the reproductive rights literature argues that access to assisted reproductive technologies (ART) forms part of an individual’s right to reproduce. On this reasoning, refusal of treatment by clinicians (via provision) violates a hopeful parent’s reproductive right and discriminates against the infertile. I reject these views and suggest they wrongly contort what reproductive freedom entitles individuals to do and demand of others. I suggest these views find their origin, at least in part, in the way we define (...)
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    Transformative Justice in Ethics Consultation.Georgina Campelia, Aleksandra E. Olszewski, Tracy Brazg & Holly Hoa Vo - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (4):612-621.
    ABSTRACT:Clinical ethics consultants bear witness to the direct harms of intersecting axes of oppression—such as racism and classism—as they impinge on elucidating and resolving ethical dilemmas in health care. Health Care Ethics Consultation (HCEC) professional guidance supports recognizing and analyzing power dynamics and social-structural obstacles to good care. However, the most relied upon bioethical principles in clinical ethics have been criticized for insufficiency in this regard. While individual ethics consultants have found ways to expand their approaches, they do so in (...)
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    Public Understandings of the Forensic Use of DNA: Positivity, Misunderstandings, and Cultural Concerns.Cate Curtis - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (1-2):21-32.
    The forensic use of DNA involves the public in a number of roles. The rapid adoption of DNA identification as a part of the legal system and continuing developments have afforded little opportunity to thoroughly interrogate public understandings of issues. This article reports on a survey that explores public understanding of the forensic use of DNA: sources of knowledge, understandings of processes, and attitudes toward DNA use. Overall, knowledge about DNA use was limited, particularly around means of taking samples and (...)
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    Empathetic Practice: The Struggle and Virtue of Empathizing with a Patient's Suffering.Georgina Campelia & Tyler Tate - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (2):17-25.
    Empathy is sometimes so hard to achieve that one may wonder if it is a virtue for caregivers at all. Perhaps a caregiver cannot always know how a patient feels, and perhaps that knowledge is sometimes too painful to possess. A nuanced understanding of what empathy entails and of the conditions for attaining it can help ground its possibility.
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    Place, Practice and Primatology: Clarence Ray Carpenter, Primate Communication and the Development of Field Methodology, 1931–1945.Georgina M. Montgomery - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (3):495-533.
    Place, practice and status have played significant and interacting roles in the complex history of primatology during the early to mid-twentieth century. This paper demonstrates that, within the emerging discipline of primatology, the field was understood as an essential supplement to laboratory work. Founders argued that only in the field could primates be studied in interaction with their natural social group and environment. Such field studies of primate behavior required the development of existing and new field techniques. The practices and (...)
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  37.  20
    Experiences of indigenous (Māori/Pasifika) early career academics.Georgina Tuari Stewart, Te Wai Barbarich-Unasa, Dion Enari, Cecelia Faumuina, Deborah Heke, Dion Henare, Taniela Lolohea, Megan Phillips, Hilda Port, Nimbus Staniland, Nooroa Tapuni, Rerekura Teaurere, Yvonne Ualesi, Leilani Walker, Nesta Devine & Jacoba Matapo - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    This article presents narratives from 13 Indigenous early career academics (ECAs) at one university in Auckland, New Zealand. These experiences are likely to represent those of Indigenous Māori and Pasifika ECAs nationally, given the small, centralised nature of the national academy of Aotearoa New Zealand. The narratives contain testimony, fictionalised vignettes of experience, and poetic expressions. Meeting the demands of an academic role in one’s first years of working at a university is a big deal for anyone; the extra pressures (...)
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    Editors' Review and Introduction: Learning Grammatical Structures: Developmental, Cross‐Species, and Computational Approaches.Carel ten Cate, Judit Gervain, Clara C. Levelt, Christopher I. Petkov & Willem Zuidema - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):804-814.
    Artificial grammar learning (AGL) is used to study how human adults, infants, animals or machines learn various sorts of rules defined over sounds or visual items. Ten Cate et al. introduce the topic and provide a critical synthesis of this important interdisciplinary area of research. They identify the questions that remain open and the challenges that lie ahead, and argue that the limits of human, animal and machine learning abilities have yet to be found.
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    Clinicians’ Duty to Participate in Pragmatic Clinical Trials: Further Considerations.Georgina Morley & Susannah L. Rose - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (8):76-78.
    Well-designed pragmatic clinical trials (PCTs) are critical for improving healthcare delivery and patient outcomes (Haff and Choudhry 2018), and the article written by Garland et al. (2023) advance...
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    As the crones fly.Georgina Tuari Stewart, Nesta Devine, Chris Jenkin, Yo Heta-Lensen, Lisa Maurice-Takerei, Margaret Joan Stuart & Sue Middleton - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (6):513-526.
    Catalysed by conversations amongst a group of colleagues, this article is an initial exploration of what happens to women academics aged 60+ who work in a university in Aotearoa New Zealand. This work is an example of when academic theories, in this case feminism, are called forth by real-world experiences – in this case, increasing academic job insecurity, catalysed by post-pandemic economic shortfalls. We blend together personal anecdotes and feminist analysis to show how women’s academic careers, which are commonly constrained (...)
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    Internalising and externalising in early adolescence predict later executive function, not the other way around: a cross-lagged panel analysis.Georgina Donati, Emma Meaburn & Iroise Dumontheil - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-13.
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    Gaming, Texting, Learning? Teaching Engineering Ethics Through Students' Lived Experiences With Technology.Georgina Voss - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1375-1393.
    This paper examines how young peoples’ lived experiences with personal technologies can be used to teach engineering ethics in a way which facilitates greater engagement with the subject. Engineering ethics can be challenging to teach: as a form of practical ethics, it is framed around future workplace experience in a professional setting which students are assumed to have no prior experience of. Yet the current generations of engineering students, who have been described as ‘digital natives’, do however have immersive personal (...)
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    Language Games in the Ivory Tower: Comparing the Philosophical Investigations with Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game.Georgina Edwards - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (4):669-687.
    Wittgenstein explores learning through practice in the Philosophical Investigations by means of an extended analogy with games. However, does this concern with learning also necessarily extend to education, in our institutional understanding of the word? While Wittgenstein's examples of language learning and use are always shared or social, he does not discuss formal educational institutions as such. He does not wish to found a ‘school of thought’, and is suspicious of philosophy acting as a theory that can be applied to (...)
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    Introducing the Indigenous Philosophy Group.Georgina Stewart, Carl Mika, Garrick Cooper, Vaughan Bidois & Te Kawehau Hoskins - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (9):851-855.
  45.  46
    In Honor and Memory of Sumner B. Twiss.Diana Fritz Cates, Irene Oh, Bruce Grelle, Simeon O. Ilesanmi, John Kelsay, Paul Lauritzen, David Little, Ping-Cheung “Pc” Lo & Kate E. Temoney - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):545-566.
    Sumner B. (Barney) Twiss, who died in 2023, was for ten years a General Editor of the Journal of Religious Ethics (JRE). He was a frequent contributor of articles, a member of the JRE Editorial Board, and a member of the journal's Board of Trustees. In this article, colleagues and students reflect on some of his many contributions, not only to the JRE but to the broader discursive fields of comparative religious ethics and human rights.
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    What does ‘indigenous’ mean, for me?Georgina Stewart - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (8):740-743.
  47.  13
    Friedrich Nietzsche.Curtis Cate - 2002 - Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press.
    A portrait of the influential western philosopher and writer is targeted to lay readers and seeks to clarify his ideas and influences, offering insight into the impact of his chronic ill health and insanity on his beliefs while challenging stereotypes that have been attributed to his character. 10,000 first printing.
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    Relational Complexity and Ethical Responsibility.Diana Fritz Cates - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (1):154-165.
    Richard Miller uses the concepts of alterity and intimacy as touchstones for analyzing neglected aspects of our interpersonal and social relationships. He argues that, as persons in relation, we oscillate between experiences of alterity and intimacy, and it is with a greater awareness of this oscillation that we do best to consider our ethical responsibilities. This paper affirms the value of thinking about—and potentially reimagining—how we conceive and relate to various others. It also makes explicit that, as persons, each of (...)
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    Recuperating the Real: New Materialism, Object-Oriented Ontology, and Neo-Lacanian Ontical Cartography.Caleb Cates, M. Lane Bruner & Joseph T. Moss - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (2):151-175.
    ABSTRACT To address challenges to the primacy of the subject in speculative realism, we put Levi R. Bryant's object-oriented ontology in conversation with Jacques Lacan's register theory. In so doing, we recuperate an autonomous materiality for itself, providing a reading of the debate between Slavoj Žižek and Ernesto Laclau over the Lacanian Real and simultaneously providing a rich map of the being of subjectivity and modes of the rhetorical. We systematize Žižek's claim that each element of the register resonates with (...)
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    Complete axiomatizations for XPath fragments.Balder ten Cate, Tadeusz Litak & Maarten Marx - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (2):153-172.
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